Heath and McPherson 2009

Heath, Jeffrey and McPherson, Laura. 2009. Cognitive Set and Lexicalization Strategy in Dogon Action Verbs. Anthropological Linguistics 51. 38–63.

  author  = {Heath, Jeffrey and McPherson, Laura},
  journal = {Anthropological Linguistics},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {38–63},
  title   = {Cognitive Set and Lexicalization Strategy in Dogon Action Verbs},
  url     = {None},
  volume  = {51},
  year    = {2009}
  author  = {Heath, Jeffrey and McPherson, Laura},
  journal = {Anthropological Linguistics},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {38–63},
  title   = {Cognitive Set and Lexicalization Strategy in Dogon Action Verbs},
  url     = {None},
  volume  = {51},
  year    = {2009}
  author  = {Heath, Jeffrey and McPherson, Laura},
  journal = {Anthropological Linguistics},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {38–63},
  title   = {Cognitive Set and Lexicalization Strategy in Dogon Action Verbs},
  url     = {None},
  volume  = {51},
  year    = {2009}